About John Winn

John Winn was a beloved son, brother, nephew, cousin, grandchild, and student. He experienced more trials and tribulations in his short 13 years than most people will ever experience in a lifetime, but we take great joy and comfort in knowing he is standing beside his Jesus completely free of the shackles of autism. I know we will see our son again. We will hug his neck like no parent ever has, and we will talk about everything he couldn’t talk to us about for his 13 years on this planet. He was our gift from God, and we are truly broken.
He was mischievous, adored his sisters, loved music, hugs, and his dogs Darcy and Chester. He also loved swimming, the ocean, 4-wheelers, wave runners, boats, snow skiing, bowling, bacon, pizza, berries, skittles, and penguins.
In spite of the daily challenges placed on John Winn by autism and the therapy to overcome those constraints, John Winn displayed a boundless joy and never stopped pursuing the milestones set before him.
As his parents, we have created the John Winn Davis Fund for Autism so that his name will carry on reaching hearts for his Jesus. We will give children with limited financial resources access to the best therapy and education which was invaluable to John Winn’s success.
“For the Lord sees not as man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
Our Mission
Providing funds for missionaries seeking to fulfill the Great Commission and supporting families burdened with the overwhelming costs of autism.

Our Vision
To meet financial needs of those winning hearts for Christ, and help children with autism reach their full potential.